Monday, June 15, 2009

Ab Flyer System Review

The Ab Flyer System is the latest abdominal exercise machine that is currently been advertised on television.

Similar to other abdominal exercise machine infomercial you see on television the Ab Flyer claims to be the fastest way of getting abs without even considering the persons current condition and lifestyle. Typical sales and marketing pitch!

Again I like to emphasize to get abs you need to include a healthy lifestyle and include a cardio and weight training to remove any excess body weight around the body. (See my previous post How to get a six pack?)

The Ab Flyer System works similar to a hanging leg raise from a sitting position. Instead of having your arms supporting your weight there is a seat in which you can kneel and swing up like a hanging leg raise.

If you have ever done hanging leg raises you know what I mean about feeling a lot of pressure on the shoulders and you require some upper body strength to do a leg raise, this where I see Ab Flyer been beneficial as it allows you to do the exercise without these requirements.

In my opinion hanging leg raises are probably one of the best abdominal exercise to do versus doing simple crunches. As hanging leg raises works your entire mid section and even your lats. It will work your top, mid and lower sections and help increase upper body strength. The Ab Flyer system does the same but not too much on the upper body areas like your shoulders and chest areas.

See the You Tube video of what Hanging Leg Raises look like.

To vary your training, the machine have little nobs on it which you can adjust to add or reduce the resistance levels. In addition, the knee pad/seat allows you to change the angle of your raises to work out your oblique muscles.

However a warning please check with the vendors on how much weight it can support. Looking on their website there are two available products the Ab Flyer and the Ab Flyer Pro. The Ab Flyer Pro can support a weight of 350 lbs this suggests to me that "Original" Ab Flyer may only support a certain amount of weight.

The Ab Flyer System currently advertise a price of around $215.00 excluding shipping. For more reviews please visit latest reviews at Ab Flyer System at Infomercial Review

1 comment:

  1. I was considering buying the ab flyer through the company website, put all my cc information in then changed my mind, I never hit the place order button. Next day, they sent through the order anyway. I called and told them to cancel but the customer service representative told me it had already been shipped and there was nothing he could do. He said I could pay the shipping to send it back to them and they would give me a refund for the machine only. That is 45.00 in shipping charges to fix a mistake that I never even made out of my pocket. I get an e-mail from the company later that night telling me they were processing my order and they would send me another e-mail before the order ships. The customer service rep lied to me to keep me from canceling my order.
